Taxi And Vehicle Rental App

Taxi And Vehicle Rental App

On Demand Taxi & Vehicle Rental is an application like Uber that allows you to order a taxi, book a taxi, rent a vehicle. There is also a web platform to manage the application.




  • Chat Instant Messaging
  • Autocomplete place
  • Firebase Integrated
  • Goolge Maps APIs
  • Push notification
  • Payment receipt in app and mailbox
  • Cost, distance, time calculator
  • Reserve a taxi
  • Taxi tracking
  • Rate a driver
  • Order a taxi
  • Taxi rental


In the admin panel, you can:

  • Add taxi
  • Add driver
  • Assign a taxi to a driver
  • Manage orders and customer reservations
  • Manage the rental of customers
  • Send notification to all customers


In the customer app, you can:

  • Order a taxi
  • Manage your orders
  • Reserve a taxi
  • Manage your reservation
  • Rent a vehicle
  • Manage your rental
  • Write a message to a driver
  • Evaluate a driver
  • Receive notifications
  • Receive your payment receipt
  • Create a user account
  • See the history of his races
  • See the route of a race
  • See the position of the nearest taxi
  • Edit profile


In the driver app, you can:

  • Enable/disable status
  • Accept an order
  • See his races
  • See the route of a customer’s race
  • Edit profile
  • Write a message to a customer