Selling Courses Online And How To Earn

Selling Courses Online And How To Earn

What do we mean by cycles?
Online courses are the modern version of courses: you can create and share educational content in a structured way that allows users to advance their understanding of a particular topic. It basically consists of a syllabus or study plan organized into units. Online courses can include videos, images, text, and hyperlinks. You can easily share it with a link or send an email invitation to your users.

What do you need to create your own course?
Anyone can start and profit from this field, as long as some conditions are met in it and in its work, as follows:

Love of this field: Loving your field of work is the first thing that will make you continue and complete it. And the same thing here, the process of work and its continuity will not make you get tired of it and leave it, but rather you will continue in it and develop it.
Talent: You will talk about a field, such as cooking, programming, drawing, marketing, business, photography, design… or anything you are good at, or something related to your work style or business. Or even something you are good at or professional in.
Knowledge: To start with anything inside or outside the Internet, you have to get to know it well before starting it. What is this thing? How it works? How do I start it? methods of dealing with it? and others. The more you know about something, the easier it is for you to deal with it, then master it and become professional in it quickly. Since you will create your course and sell it, you need to know where you will sell it (you will not sell it because you will show it to people and those who want it will pay an amount of money to follow it).
Tools: Apart from the written courses, you will be creating a visual course in the form of a video. Therefore, you need a good camera (phone or computer camera, etc.), a good microphone (you may find alternatives to it), and a program to edit and edit what you will photograph and record. Hence, you need to learn some montage and deal with its programs, or find a reliable person to do it for you. We may talk about other things in the rest of our article

How do you start creating your course?
A continuation of what preceded me, and we mentioned it above, and we will detail it more below. Creating your own course is not difficult or impossible, with simple steps you can start creating and profiting from it.

And as mentioned above, you need to love what you are going to do, talent and experience in what you will offer others, and even how you will present it. Then also for the necessary knowledge and tools that will help you create your own course. But the creation path to supply and profit is as follows:

Fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions (or part thereof)
Create a course (we will detail it in Title 2 in the paragraph below)
Upload your course on a platform (for people to access it) with all related information such as description, price, etc
Promote and market it
And what you will need as well we will mention in the next paragraph:

Guide to creating a course, starting to sell and profit from it
The step by step guide below will show you how to get started and the steps to follow to create, start selling and monetizing your course:

  1. Choosing an idea

You know yourself and your talent and donate it. After choosing the area around which you will build your course, you will need to have an idea of ​​what you will be doing. Example: Programming has several languages, design is types, drawing is types, the field of business consists of several branches, and so on.

After finding your idea, you will determine the main segment that you will target: countries, language, interests, are they professionals or beginners, and the rest of the other things for the groups that you will target (of course, people may come to you from outside those countries, and interests)

  1. Create a session

After you’ve decided on the field or topic you’ll be giving a course on, it’s time to create the course which includes an initial outline, script writing, visual and media gathering, recording, editing, and more.

You can create your course directly on the selling platform using its native editing tools or you can put together your own content using one of the course authoring tools.

Simply put, you will need:

The idea.
Understanding the target audience (age, beginners, professionals…) and the type of requirements they must meet.
The language and which language you will be explaining in (English is the best)
Define all course content.
Determining the desired goals and results (expected from the learners).
Camera or recording software and speaker.
Start shooting.
Program for editing and montage.
Define downloadable resources, scripts, and other files.
Choose the platform or platforms on which you will present your courses.
Raise your resources on that platform or platforms.

  1. What is included in the course?

Although each course differs from the others, depending on the type of content provided, the tools and files required, … but here are some of what one of the courses offers on the Udemy platform (it varies according to the field of video explanation and according to each platform):

What does the course contain?
What does the course contain?

  1. Determine the selling platform

Although we will mention many platforms that you can create and sell the course on (or upload to). But we will discuss other things related to it.

In principle, you will choose any platform or more according to the features it offers (below we will show you several platforms where you can compare them and choose the best for you). Among what can be taken into account, the strength, popularity and reliability of the platform, the available payment methods, the type of discounts that can occur, the free or financial ease of those platforms, the number of visitors that each platform receives, and so on.

  1. Promote your course

After creating your course and publishing it on the platform or sites you want, and depending on the type of platform, marketing and promotion comes to it in order to attract visitors to it who are likely to participate in your course (pay for subscription). Or in order to increase your profits as well. Of course, there are free and paid ways to promote, including:

Promote your blog (if you have one)
Promotion through YouTube channels or social media accounts
Marketing through social media and networks through paid advertising campaigns
Internet advertising marketing through a program such as one of Google’s programs

Ways and types of profit from courses
As we have already mentioned, profit from courses is not only through posting video clips through a platform, and making money from subscribers. But there are other types or similar types, including:

Illustrated content:

Paid courses: which we talked about earlier, where you create your own course, publish it on platforms, and win through the people who will pay for following your course.

Free Courses: Where you will create videos, but it will be free to the public, mainly through the YouTube platform. On YouTube, there are many free courses in the form of clips inside playlists with the name, type, or aspect of the course. For example, on the Nour Homsi channel, you will find several courses on programming and graphics. Of course, the main method of profit on YouTube is the automatic ads that appear on the videos, which are the main source of income for the owners of YouTube channels.

Written content:

Electronic or printed books: You can also provide educational materials in the form of printed or electronic books, where you create them in writing and attach pictures if you want. Then you publish them on the Amazon platform as an example to be purchased as digital books or to be ordered as printed books. Of course, Amazon costs, of course, and shipping, and in the end, you get your profit margin from each purchase.

E-City: You can also present your courses in the form of articles via an electronic blog (for example, you are now in a blog and you are reading what looks like a small course on how to profit from creating courses).

What are the courses?
Online courses are the modern version of courses. Where you can create and share educational content in an organized way that allows users to advance their understanding of a particular topic. It basically consists of a syllabus or study plan organized into units. Online courses can include videos, images, text, and hyperlinks.

Can I earn money from creating courses?
Of course yes, and according to learnworlds, creating and selling online courses is a thriving market internationally. The e-learning market is expected to exceed $325 billion by 2025, with an annual growth of 5% (Global Market Insights)! Becoming an online coach means you could earn from a few hundred dollars a year to a six-figure income.

How Much Money Can You Make From Online Course?
According to onlinecourseigniter, you can earn anywhere from $500 to $50,000 and more by teaching online courses. To determine how much money you can make from online courses, all you need to know is the size of your audience, how well you can convert those people into buyers, and the price of your program. For example, if 1,000 people convert 5% at $197, that will give you $9,850.

Is creating courses only creating and shooting videos?
Offering courses through paid courses is the most popular form of offering courses. However, there are other similar ways that can be done (or even in addition to paid courses), such as: offering courses through e-books, blogs, the YouTube platform, and others.

Where can I sell courses?
There are many platforms and sites that you can sell your courses on, such as Udemy, Skillshare, Thinkific, Teachable, Podia, LearnDash, Learnworlds, in addition to other sites that you can sell through.