Plax Android Chat Application

Plax Android Chat Application

Say hello to Plax! It’s a Full, Native and Advanced handcrafted Android Chatapp with real-time Firebase backend Best way to start your own chatapp as it depends on Google Firebase so you don’t need any standalone server (VPS) with high cost and starting budget. It can handle 100+K Online users once,because it is Google Firebase dependent


Features : 

Source Code Features:

The Source code contains stunning features.

  • Depends on firebase
  • Works on low android versions starting from (Android 4.2.x)
  • Splended modern design
  • Supports Admob ads (Banner ,Interstitial,Native)

App Features:

The app contains stunning features:

Signup/Signin Page features:

  • Signup with phone number
  • Country code auto-detection
  • SMS verification
  • Request new SMS If user didn’t recieve the frist
  • SMS sent code automatic recognition
  • Only one Account per device feature

Chat features:

  • One-to-one and Group chatting
  • Voice and Video calling(Using
  • Voice and Video calls support bluetooth devices
  • Voice and Video calls support headsets
  • Video call supports HD+ 
  • End-to-end Message encryption
  • Real-time messaging
  • Send (Text,Emojis,Images,Audio,Videos,Quick snaps,Stickers,Location and files)
  • Reply messages
  • Forwards messages
  • Shake to undo delete
  • Send VoiceNotes
  • Typing and Last seen feature
  • (Waiting/Sent/Delivered/Read) message indicator
  • Delete for me & Delete for All messages
  • Delete Chat
  • Copy messages
  • Star/Unstar messages
  • Block/Unblock user
  • Mute/Unmute user
  • Led notification

Homepage features:

  • View Chats
  • View contacts stories
  • View groups
  • Create a new group(groups can have up to 300 users and 25 admins)
  • View call logs
  • Call a user(Voice or Video )
  • Add a new story
  • Story archive
  • View contacts stories
  • View starred messages
  • View muted users
  • View blocked users
  • View Settings

Contacts features:

  • View signed up contacts(with online/offline status)
  • Seach contacts
  • Invite Friends
  • Refrsh contacts

Settings features:

  • Chat settings:  
    • Click Enter to send
    • New message sound
    • Change App font
    • Change chatt wallpaper
    • Clear all chats
  • Call settings:
    • Choose Call Ringtone
    • Clear call logs
  • Security Settings:
    • In app Screelock(Enable/Disable)
    • Prevent chat from being screenshot(Enable/Disable)
  • Notification settings:
    • Choose notification sound
    • Choose Led notification color
  • Change Language
  • Delete Account
  • Privacy and policy
  • About

User feataures:

  • View user profile
  • Change name/statue
  • Update/Remove profile picture
  • Dark mode
  • Qr code

Admin Panel Features:

  • Access users accounts
  • Access Database Data
  • Strong Firebase Security rules
  • Access Storage Data
  • See storage usage
  • See full app statictics
  • Daily active users (last 7 days,last Month)
  • Admob earnings
  • Number and types of Crashes in your apps
  • Time that your users be in the app and wich pages
  • Your users countries and devices

Supported Languages

  • English
  • Arabic
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • French
  • Hindi
  • Portugese
  • Persian
  • Korean
  • Russian

What will you get:

  • Full source code
  • Full step by step documentation with screenshots and videos
  • Full Firebase Database Security Rules
  • Full Firebase Storage Security Rules