PHP Watch Movies Website Script

PHP Watch Movies Script

Watch Movies Script enables you to run your own Movies & TV Shows listing website. Built with a lot of features in mind and seo friendly automatic URL’s & Titles.


More Features Overview

slider iconCarousel with featured movies & tv showsAdmin panel let’s you pick the most wanted Movies & TV Shows to be shown in a nice slider/carousel on the website header. You can chose an unlimited number to slide.
star iconAJAX Star Rating SystemFor each movie & tv show users can rate from 1 up to 5 stars depending on their opinion about the movie
thumb-up iconAJAX External Link RatingEach movie & tv show will have external links for watching/buying. There’s a built in system for the users to rate as “Works” or “Broken” so others know if they want to visit or not.
movie playlist iconMembers PlaylistRegistered members can build up their own movies & tv shows playlist so others can inspire when looking for a good item to look at
movie comments iconCommenting systemRegistered members can comment (if logged in) on each movie/tv-show page
link suggestion iconLink suggestionPeople can suggest external links for the admin approval if they want to share their tip.
search iconMovie/TV Shows Search & FilteringMovies & TV Shows can be searched by title, genre, actor name or keywords