PHP CRUD Generator v2.3.1

PHP CRUD Generator v2.3.1

Create a Professional Bootstrap Admin Dashboard with all CRUD PHP Operations from your Database


Smart Database Analysis

Easy Visual Application

Advanced Functionalities

NEW VERSION 2 – Suitable for MySQL, MariaDB,
Oracle, PostgreSQL and Firebird databases

Easy Admin Panel Builder - PHP MySQL CRUD Application with GUI
20+ Bootstrap themes included

Bootstrap Admin Panel Builder

PHP CRUD Generator - Choose an action
  • Choose the table to be used for integration in your Admin Panel
  • Generate the relevant data table (READ)
  • Generate create/edit forms (CREATE/UPDATE)
  • Generate delete form (DELETE)

Customizable Bootstrap themes & CSS

  • 20+ Bootstrap themes included
  • Change the Bootstrap theme & customize in a few clicks

PHPCG automatically provides the best tools needed to build your Admin Panel: drop-down lists with integrated search, date and time pickers, collapsible menus, collapsible nested tables, in-place editing, file upload, image upload with editing features and thumbnail generation, help texts and tooltips.

PHP CRUD Generator - Admin Panel preview

PHP CRUD Generator at a glance

Generator User Interface

  • One-page interface
  • Built with advanced and comprehensive forms

Smart Database Analysis

  • Primary keys detection and interpretation
  • Secondary keys detection and interpretation
  • Detection of all types of relationships
  • Smart integration of internal/external relationships in CRUD
  • Smart field type detection and integration
  • Detection and integration of validation types

Website Admin User Interface

  • Clean & responsive layout
  • User friendly navigation with categories & icons
  • User friendly naming for all content
  • Customizable with TWIG Templates

Read Lists

  • Advanced filtering system
  • Number of records per page selection
  • Column sorting
  • Collapsible secondary content
  • Collapsible nested tables for external data (relationships)
  • XLSX/CSV Export
  • Edit-in-place
  • View images and thumbnails
  • Smart data viewing (Boolean values, Date & Time format, Images & thumbnails, …)
  • Single-record lists

Create / Update forms

  • Built with PHP Form Builder
  • Automatic use of the best available jQuery plugins: upload, Rich Text Editor, pickers, …)
  • Relationship management between tables with choice of fields to display
  • Drop-down lists with values management (automatic/customized)
  • Responsive custom layout
  • Smart automatic/custom validation
  • Helpers & Tooltips

Deletion forms

  • Cascade deletion accouring to the table relations
  • Choose the fields to display to confirm deletion (i.e: name + first name)
  • Warning display for cascade deletion with record count of each field to delete

Backup & file comparison

  • Automatic backup of the replaced CRUD generator & admin files
  • Side by side file comparison & merging of older/newer versions

User Authentification Module

  • 100% Secured Login System
  • Advanced reliable password Encryption
  • Rights & profiles management

Users Rights management

  • Add/Edit/Delete users
  • Unlimited custom Users Profiles
  • Rights management by table and by profile (CAN READ / CAN CREATE-UPDATE / CAN DELETE)

Coding & Customization

  • Comprehensive & well-organized structure
  • MVC Logic without PHP Framework (Pure PHP coding)
  • Built with PHP Form Builder, Bootstrap & jQuery
  • TWIG Templates
  • Alto Router