Media File Renamer Pro WordPress Plugin

Media File Renamer Pro Wordpress Plugin

It automatically renames your media filenames depending on their titles. When files are renamed, the references to it are also updated (posts, pages, custom types and their metadata). If you have the Pro version, this can be done also based on the title of the post (page or any other custom type) the media is attached to.


Media File Renamer renames automatically and/or manually the files of your Media entries, depending on their titles, the posts or products they are attached to, or other custom rules, while maintaining the references to those files. 

To know more about it, please visit the Official Page of Media File Renamer.

License: Yearly vs Lifetime

The Standard Yearly License is recommended. This license will always work as long as it is kept active. We recommend it, as we will always be able to support you over the years.

The Lifetime License will be active forever, includes every future update. However, it does only include one year of support. Then, you will need to hire a developer to help you as we don’t have plans for paid support.


Are you a happy user of the free version? Do you have valuable feedback for us? Or did you find a bug and fix it? Then we might have a discount for you! Contact us.

Trial & Refund

If you don’t like it, or if it doesn’t work well for you, don’t worry! We always refund when asked, There is no problem with that. This is also why we don’t provide trials anymore, as they were also tricky to handle technically. About refunds, we would appreciate it if you could contact us within 2 weeks.

Media File Renamer is a WordPress plugin that renames your media files. It can be automatic (depending on certain conditions) or manual. It is excellent for SEO, to keep your WordPress tidy and to avoid issues related to files. The references to those filenames on your website will also be updated. It has many features, and if you are a developer you can automate the whole process and how the renaming is performed.