Coming Soon CountDown WordPress Plugin

Coming Soon CountDown Wordpress Plugin

Indeed Coming Soon ultimate Responsive for WordPress with 2 modern layouts and Countdowns is the most all in one desired and use Plugin on his niche. Indeed Coming Soon let you continue your work on website while your visitors see the Coming Soon page. When you finish your website just bring it live using One Button!


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With Coming Soon CountDown Plugin you can even have a temporary Website with few pages (Home, About, Contact) and Subscription Form in less than 1 minute.

Main Features

2 Main LayoutsWith custom CountDown showcase or just the main Titles displayed    Mobile ResponsiveThe entire Coming Soon page is mobile fully Responsive for any Device
2 CountDownDifferent types with Digits or Cycles with dynamically decrease    10 Page Transition effectFadeIn, Blind, Clip, Drop, Explode, Fold, Puff, Slide Up, Slide Left, Slide Right
10 Predefined ColorsInstant Color Scheme Changing for Template with 1 Click    6 Full Screen BackgroundFull Color, Simple Image, Parallax Image, Slideshow, Special Slideshow, Video
Sound Video Backgroundwith additional Play/Pause buttons    Ken Burn SlideshowThe most original Slideshow
10 Background PatternsDots, Rectangle or diagonal lines    Custom Darkness BackgroundCustomizable Transparency from 0-100%
9 Email Marketing PlatformMailPoet, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, AWeber, Mailster, Constant Contact, iContact    10 Social Media linksFaceBook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Intragram, Pinterest, Youtube, Vk, Vimeo, Dribble
4 Main Title lineswith automatic Font size adjustment    Flexible Menu PagesOn/Off any menu Page
Contact FormTransparent fields    More Info Popupfor additional Information
Custom “WP Roles” AccessDecides which WP Roles users can see the Website besides the Admin instead of Coming Soon page.    Visible PagesExcept specific Pages or group of Pages to be restricted by being available for everyone.
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  • Multiple Background Styles
  • 2 CountDown Style
  • Full Responsive Design
  • 10 Color Schemes
  • 10 Subscriptions Platforms
  • 10 Social Media Icons
  • 10 JQuery Animation Effects for page transitions
  • Bootstrap 3.3.1 compatibility
  • CSS3 Effects
  • Contact Form
  • W3C Valid HTML
  • Retina Ready
  • AJAX Subscription Form
  • Font Awesome 4.1 integrated
  • Documentation Integrated