AdForest Classified Native Android App

AdForest Classified Native Android App

AdForest is a premium classified android native app work with WordPress plugin and is super flexible. We build AdForest classified android native app with a lot of thought and care to make AdForest a complete classified solution. We carefully handcrafted this app with a strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience. It’s very quick to set up and easy to customize. There is also a WordPress theme for it.


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Pages Include:

  1. Splash page
  2. Sign In/Sign Up (Social Logins as well)
  3. Ad Post
  4. Search
  5. Ad Details
  6. Profile
  7. Biding on Ads
  8. User Rating
  9. And many more excellent features

You will get several important features:

  • Bump up ad
  • User Public Profile
  • Seller Mobile No Verified
  • Push Notification With Fire Base
  • Google Analytics
  • AdMobe Integrated
  • Intelligent Advance Search
  • Multi Currency front end
  • Google map integration
  • Translation for famous Languages
  • Images Re ordering
  • Category Based Featured ads feature
  • Simple ad expiry
  • Bad Word Filter
  • Unlimited Custom Fields
  • Featured Ads
  • AD Expiry Limits
  • Free and Paid Package Admin control
  • Auto/Manuel AD Approval
  • AD Related Taxonomies
  • Stripe, PayPal, Payhere, BrainTree,, WorldPay Payment by check, Bank Transfer, Cash on Delivery payment Option
  • Mode Of Communication
  • Messaging System
  • Price Based Search
  • AD Type Based Search
  • Biding System
  • Seller Public Profile
  • Seller Rating
  • Location Based Search
  • Featured Ads Based Search
  • Title Based Search
  • Category-Based Search (Up to 4 levels)
  • Lang.Translated
  • Clean Code
  • Complete User Dashboard
  • Login and Register
  • Social Media Login and Register