WhatsHam v3.6.1 Cloud Based WhatsApp SASS

WhatsHam v3.6.1 Cloud Based WhatsApp SASS

Discover the revolutionary Whatsham V3, an advanced cloud-based WhatsApp SaaS system equipped with a cutting-edge data scraper. Brace yourself for an unparalleled experience of unrivaled power and capabilities like never before.

Demo: https://bit.ly/3JqB1CI



  • VPS or any Shared hosting with NodeJS enabled
  • MYSQL database
  • Domain or Subdomain

User Features

  • Informational dashboard
  • Multiple instances (WhatsApp Accounts)
  • Send single message 
  • Send message with media
  • Send quick reply message
  • Send Link/Call (Action) button
  • Send list message
  • Send location message
  • Send message in group
  • Get all group’s data
  • Tag all group members in message
  • Save as templets while sending message
  • Manage templets
  • Message logs
  • Multiple phonebooks
  • WhatsApp chatbot
  • Exact words match based chatbot reply
  • Similar words match based chatbot reply
  • Reactions on message
  • Enable Typing
  • Exclude people from chatbot auto reply
  • Send bulk message 
  • Multiple variables message
  • Schedule the campaign
  • Random algorithm-based delay
  • API Access (Integrate whatsham with any app)
  • Data scrapper (Scrap data on light speed)
  • Dynamic ubscription plans
  • Multiple payment gateways
  • Ping to admin
  • User profile
  • Dark and Light mode
  • Much more

Admin Features

  • Informative dashboard
  • Mange users
  • Delete users
  • Auto login in user panel
  • Assign plans to users
  • Add / Delete dynamic plans 
  • Holds on payment gateway
  • Order details
  • Ping system
  • Dynamic pages for frontend
  • Dynamic testimonial
  • Dynamic Faq section
  • Dynamic Highlited features
  • Full Web translation
  • App config
  • Profile manage
  • Dark and light mode
  • Much more