Power BI Admin – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Templates with UI Framework


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Power BI Admin a fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 stable Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.

More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier.

Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smart phone devices.

Power BI Admin can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc.

UI Kit

  • Badges
  • Buttons
  • Floating Action Buttons
  • Carousel
  • Modal
  • Dropdown
  • Dropdown menu
  • Sortable
  • Nav
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Pagination
  • Alert
  • Callout
  • Tooltip
  • Accordion
  • Tab
  • Process
  • Progress bar
  • Spinner
  • Timeline
  • Timeline activity
  • User Cards
  • Sweet Alert
  • Notification
  • Advanced Medias
  • Badges
  • Dropdown grid
  • Dropdown menu
  • Dropdown
  • Border
  • Color
  • Draggable Portlet
  • Bootstrap Switch
  • Date Paginator
  • Horizontal Timeline
  • Nestable
  • Ribbons
  • Emails
  • Read To Use Pages

  • Invoice
  • Invoice List
  • Support Ticket
  • User Profile
  • FAQs
  • Apps

  • Calendar
  • Contact List
  • Chat
  • Todo
  • Map

  • Google Map
  • Vector Map
  • Ecommerce Pages

  • Products
  • Products Cart
  • Products Edit
  • Product Details
  • Product Orders
  • Products Checkout
  • Chart

  • ChartJS
  • Morris
  • Sparkline
  • Flot
  • Inline charts
  • jQuery Knob
  • Apex Charts
  • Widgets

  • Statistic
  • Chat
  • Social
  • Weather
  • Blog
  • Chart
  • List
  • Social widgets
  • Pricing tables
  • Coming soon
  • Live Chat
  • Toastr
  • Form

  • Default inputs
  • Material inputs
  • success inputs
  • warning inputs
  • error inputs
  • Combine inputs
  • Custom checkboxes
  • Custom radios
  • Password strength
  • Form layouts
  • Color picker
  • Date time selector
  • Select picker
  • Upload buttons
  • Form Validation
  • Form Wizard
  • Code Editor
  • Markdown
  • Xeditable Editor
  • Formatter
  • Pre-made Forms
  • Extra pages

  • Invoice
  • Profile
  • Login
  • Register
  • Lockscreen
  • 404 Error
  • 500 Error
  • Blank Page
  • Pace Page
  • Recover password
  • Maintenance
  • Documentation includes:

  • How to edit
  • Plugins used
  • Credits

  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery
  • Font-Awesome
  • ionicons
  • ChartJS
  • Flot
  • Morris.js
  • Sparkline
  • Bootstrap Slider
  • Date Picker
  • Date Range Picker
  • Color Picker
  • Time Picker
  • iCheck
  • Input Mask
  • Bootstrap WYSIHTML5
  • CK Editor
  • DataTables
  • Full Calendar
  • jQuery UI
  • jQuery Knob
  • jVector Map
  • Slim Scroll
  • Pace
  • Bootstrap-timepicker
  • Bootstrap Colorpicker
  • Select2
  • Pexels (images)
  • Weather Icons
  • Magnific Popup
  • lightbox master
  • Sweetalert
  • ACE Editor
  • Form
  • Validation
  • Form Wizard
  • Apex Charts
  • Browser Support

  • Edge (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Safari (latest)
  • Chrome (latest)
  • Opera (latest)
  • Change Logs

    ------------ VERSION - 2 on March-2021 ------------
    [+] All New Bootstarp v5.0.0-beta2 (New Package) (Bs5 and Bs4 Separate Package)
    [+] Horizontal version Demo (BS5 Only)
    [+] CSS updates
    ------------ VERSION - 1.3 on August-2020 ------------
    [+] New Demos Added
    [+] CSS updates
    ------------ VERSION - 1.2 on August-2020 ------------
    [+] CSS updates
    ------------ VERSION - 1.1 on July-2020 ------------
    [+] CSS updates
    ------------ VERSION - 1.0 on July-2020 ------------
    [+] Release

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