Full Features:
- Responsive web desisgn
- 10 Home page and store demo
- Parallax scrolling + html5 video
- Boxed, Wide version
- Bootstrap 3.3.2
- Revolution slider Worth $14
- List and Grid Product display
- Show tag cloud of boss tags cloud module
- Write a review and rating for each product
- Show banner slideshow by boss carousel module
- Mini dropdown cart
- Supporting sticky menu, Animated effect
- HTML5 + CSS3
- Megamenu and Sticky Menu
- Carousel, Tabs effect and cloudzoom
- Google Font + Font icon Awesome
- Parallax Image
- Blog Teamplate
- FAQs and landding page
- Config header and footer easily
- Supporting Clound Zoom effect in product details page
- Showing icon Quick Shop for each product in the homepage and category page
Community Support & Customer Support
Our support team guarantees to respond you within 24 working hours. You can create a new ticket here, when you receive an auto-response email it means that your question has been delivered to our system ticket system. We will proceed tickets and respond you to in the queue order.
Our working hour is from 8:00AM to 5:00PM GMT+8 Monday to Saturday.
Version 1.1 - 20016-02-02 - Reversion 3 - fixed some bugs. Version 1.0 - 2015-10-20 - Revision 1: - Initial Release.
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