The DreamAdmin is a nice clean template that can be used for any back-end interface. The template comes with a various of great jQuery plugins and 5 colors to choose from.
- w3 Valid: xHTML 1.0 transitional.
- Cross-browser compatible.
- The template comes in 5 colors.
- Jquery Powered.
- Dropdown menu, 3 levels deep.
- Nice style of displaying statics.
- Hide the boxes you dont want to see.
- Nice styled forms.
- Datepicker.
- Costum styled selectboxes.
- Nice file uploadbox.
- WYSIWYG Editor.
- Stylish system notifications.
- Check all checkboxes.
- Thumb hover delete option.
- Great tabs system in any box.
- .PSD nicely layerd and named.
To see all the colors see the screenshot page.
Pages included:
- index.html – Login page.
- page.html – The real admin page.
To change the color of the template, change the CSS-color file in the HTML into the color you’d like.
- Blue
- Grey – this is the preview file (orginal)
- Orange
- Purple
- Red
Updates and Bug fixes:
- 18 June 2011 – Add keyboard navigation on the selectboxes, include the new jQuery 1.6.1 file and made a visual update to the statics.
- 25 May 2011 – Navigation bug fixed.
- 18 May 2011 – Changed the login page.
- 17 May 2011 – Bug fix selectboxes and menu items that where overfloating each other.