Doctor Finder v5.1 Appointment Booking

Doctor Finder v5.1 Appointment Booking

Doctor Finder – Appointment Booking With Time-slot app in Flutter is a complete medical solution for users. You can find nearby doctors with complete profile details of doctor.



Application features :

  • 1. Search Nearby Doctors
  • 2. Check upcoming appointment on first page
  • 3. Search bar to search Doctor
  • 4. Speciality wise sorting of doctors
  • 5. Check complete doctor profile
    • Doctor name
    • Speciality of doctor
    • Ratings of doctor
    • Phone number with call now button
    • About doctor description
    • Address of clinic and hospital
    • General working time of doctor
    • Services list of doctor
    • Health care description
    • Map redirection to find address on map
  • 6. Time-slot wise book appointment – Choose convent time-slot for your appointment, time-slot will be booked for users, and other user can not book again same time-slot.
  • 7. Book appointment description to explain problem to doctor
  • 8. Appointment details for user side will include
    • Doctor Name to whom appointment booked
    • Time-slot and date of booking
    • phone number of doctor
    • Email id of doctor
    • Appointment description
    • Quick Call and Quick Mail option
  • 9. User (My Account) features
    • Check all upcoming appointments
    • Check appointment history
    • Get all details of appointment
    • User Login, register
    • User can add review for doctor
  • 10. Doctor dashboard features
    • Register as doctor
    • Login as doctor
    • Separate dashboard for doctor
    • List of appointments from user
    • Check each Appointment details
    • Manage Appointments – Accept Reject
    • Manage his/her profile, add, edit profile details
  • 11. Payment Gateway for book appointment
    • Cash on board option
    • Braintree or PayPal added
    • Stripe (pay using Debit or credit card)
  • 12. Doctor manage his working Time-slot
    • Add Time of observing patients
    • App creates time-slot automatically as per doctors preference
    • 1 patient in 1 time-slot
    • Time-slot for 7 days,
    • For each 7 days doctor can add separate time-slot
  • 13. Notification
    • Doctor get when get new appointment
    • User get when doctor accept notification
    • User get if doctor reject notification
    • User get when he is absent for appointment
    • User get if admin send notification
    • User get when doctor set as complete appointment
  • 14. Language Translation
  • 15. RTL & arabic support

Admin Panel Features :

  • 1. Admin Dashboard
    • Check list of latest appointment
    • Total appointments
    • Total Doctors
    • Total user register in app
    • Total review user added
  • 2. Appointment History : check list of all appointment
  • 3. Doctor List : All doctors list register in system
  • 4. App Patient List register in app
  • 5. Delete spam User
  • 6. Add edit & delete speciality
  • 7. Check Reviews added by user
  • 8. Get user complains on board
  • 9. Admin can send notification to user
  • 10. Notification setting for android & IOS